Helpful Tools

I've come across a lot of great resources since I began learning web development. In addition to the following books, courses, and programs, I also try to stay current by reading new articles about daily (CSS-Tricks is an awesome blog to follow). You can find a lot guides and articles on websites like Medium or as well. If you're in need of productivity tools, I'd highly suggest both Asana (project management, collaboration) and Boosted (time-tracking).


  • Javascript and JQueryBy: Jon Duckett

    Excellent book to help you refine your Javascript and jQuery skills. Learn about functions, methods, loops, DOM manipulation, events, and much more. Personally, I also really enjoy the typography and design that went into printing this book.

  • Eloquent JavascriptBy: Marijn Haverbeke

    This 3rd edition book is a very thorough guide to Javascript. It teaches everything from asynchronous functions to error handling and debugging and includes numerous detailed examples as well as sample projects